Trigeminal Neuropathy or Neuralgia is a condition which is caused when the Trigeminal Nerve is affected leading to loss of functions, tingling sensation, burning sensation and extreme intermittent, shooting pain in the face. Trigeminal nerve sends impulses of touch, pain, pressure and temperature to the brain from the structures surrounding the oral cavity and the […]
General Medicine
Causes of Trigeminal Neuropathy
Trigeminal Neuropathy: It is the condition in which the Peripheral nerves of the Trigeminal Nerve is affected due to various reasons like Trauma, infection etc and damage to nerve axons is seen which cause the symptoms of Loss of muscle function, loss of sensation, and sometimes Tingling and Burning sensation is seen in the patient […]
List of Diagnostic Tests for Various Medical and Dental Diseases
First step in the Treatment of any Disease or Medical condition is proper diagnosis and for correct diagnosis of any disease diagnostic tests should be conducted. To help in coming to a conclusion about any particular disease sometimes a single test or at times multiple tests need to be performed to help in coming to […]
What is Dangerous Area of Face | Dangerous triangle of Face
Dangerous area of Face: It is the Area in the Face where infection in this region can lead to spread of infection to the Cavernous Sinus which leads to Cavernous Sinus thrombosis. Which directly spreads infection to the Brain, which can be fatal. Where is Dangerous Area of Face Located ? It is also called […]
A to Z of Steps to be taken in Emergency situations of Reviving the patient
As a doctor we all should be aware of the steps which should be taken in case of any Emergency which we might come across in daily life or in our Dental Clinics during any procedure. An emergency can arise in any case, while administering Anesthesia if the patient is allergic to LA and experience […]
Levels of Radiosensitivity of Organs, cells and structures of the Human Body
What does Radiosensitivity of Cells, Organs and Structures of Human body mean ? Radiosensitivity is the relative susceptibility of cells, tissues, organs to the harmful action of radiation. It denotes the level of harm which radiation can cause to certain types of cells in the body. We have divided into High, Intermediate and Low Radiosensitive […]
List of Autosomal Dominant and Recessive Disorders
Autosomal dominant and recessive disorders play a major role in determining the transfer of disease from parents to children. These are also used to determine any Hereditary gene which can be passed on to children leading to passing on the disorder from parent to child. There are two types of disorders based on the type […]
Blood supply, Lymphatic Drainage and Nerve supply to the Salivary Glands
Salivary Glands are mostly divided into Major and Minor Salivary glands, the major salivary glands are mainly Parotid, Submandibular and Sublingual glands and Location of Minor Salivary Glands Parotid gland: Nerve supply – Auricotemporal nerve Blood supply – External Carotid artery via the Posterior Auricular artery and the Transverse facial Venous Drainage – Retromandibular vein […]
Classification of Antibiotics based on their Mechanism of Action
Antibiotics are substances produced by micro organisms which suppress the growth of or destroy other micro organisms. It was Pasteur and Joubert who first identified that micro organisms could be used to destroy other micro organisms. We have to keep in mind about the mode of action on Bacteria which mostly affect the bacterial cell wall, protein synthesis […]
Types of Immunoglobulins their production and function
Immunoglobulins: These are antibodies present in blood which are produced by B cells and are used by immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects such as bacteria, virus and any foreign objects. These immunoglobulins recognize the antigen part of the foreign body entering into the human body which can be bacteria, virus, fungus, spores, […]
Dental Diseases or Oral Manifestations of Thyroid and Pituitary Conditions
Thyroid conditions have become very common in the human population due to many reasons, every alternate person mainly females are affected with various thyroid conditions and as a Dentist, it is important for us to learn the various effects of Thyroid and Pituitary problems seen on the Oral cavity. The Oral manifestations of Thyroid and […]
Hormones released from Pituitary Gland and their functions
Pituitary Gland: It is also called as Hypohysis. It is located in a saddle-shaped space in the Sphenoid Bone called the Sella Tursica which is located in the base of the brain in the frontal lobe. The hormones secreted by the Pituitary gland are either secreted by the Hypothalamus or are stimulated by the hormones […]
Masticatory Cycle Phases
The pathway of mandible during chewing is referred to as chewing cycle. Characterized by opening, closing, retrusive, protrusive & lateral jaw movements The chewing cycle can take many forms; classically tear drop shape when viewed in frontal or saggital plane There are about 15 chews in a series from the time of food entry until […]
Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle
Bone Marrow aspiration needle is an instrument used to aspirate Marrow from the Bone Bones commonly involved: Sternum or posterior iliac crests because they are superficial and make a note that all flat bones and vertebrae in the body contain bone marrow. Indications: Bone marrow infiltration: Leukaemia/lymphona Secondary carcinoma Myelofibrosis Cytopenias: Neutropenia thrombocytopenia Anemia Pancytopenia […]