Local Hemostatic Agents are used in Oral cavity after performing dental procedures such as Tooth Extractions, Dental Implants and other Surgical procedures to control excess bleeding from the surgical site. Attaining Hemostasis is very important after any Dental surgical Procedure to make sure proper healing starts, stopping bleeding is very important for primary healing. Hemostasis […]
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Para Premolar with Gemination – A Rare supernumerary occurrence
A female patient aged around 25 visited our Clinic (Wisdom Super speciality Dental Clinic) with a complain of additional teeth on the inner side of the Lower Jaw obstructing with the Tongue and Speech. On Clinical Examination we have observed that the patient had a supernumerary Premolar or Para Premolar in the 3rd and 4th […]
Increase in Risk of Oral Cancer due to Inflammatory Tongue Conditions
Incidence of Oral Cancers has increased considerably in the past few decades irrespective of gender or Age as compared to the 1980’s. The exact reasons for this kind of increase is not clear and a team of researchers conducted a case-control study using SEER-Medicare dataset (1992-2013) which included 2534 oral tongue cancers, 6832 oral cancers, […]
What is Phentolamine Mesylate – Used to Reverse effect of Local Anesthesia
Phentolamine Mesylate is an Alpha Adrenergic blocker which is used in Dentistry as a Reversal agent for Local anesthesia. It helps in reversing unwanted prolonged Anesthesia or Numbness and aids in faster recovery from Local anesthesia effect after the Procedure is done. Phentolamine Mesylate is most commonly used in Hypertension as it helps in Vasodilation […]
Vazirani Akinosi Nerve Block – Mandibular Nerve Block
Vazirani Akinosi Nerve Block also called as VA Block is a mandibular nerve block which is preferred in patients with limited mouth opening as it is a closed mouth nerve block. It can be very useful in patients with large tongue or buccal fat which make it difficult to administer a Gow Gates or Inferior […]
How to use Mandibular Extraction Forceps – Anterior, Premolar and Molar
Mandibular Extraction Forceps as the name suggests are used to extract the Mandibular or Teeth of the Lower Jaw. The Mandibular Extraction forceps are divided into types based on the teeth which they are used to extract. Each Forceps has three parts – Handle, Hinge and Beak. In Mandibular Forceps the Beak is at a […]
Mandibular Forceps Used in Dental Extractions
Extraction of teeth is what everyone associated Dentistry with, as that has been what everyone has known from a long time. Dentistry in General has come a long way and there are other ways to save a tooth now than there were a decade ago. But in some of the worst cases where the teeth […]
Oral Symptoms of Mucormycosis – Diagnosis and Treatment
Mucormycosis or Black Fungus Infection as it is being called is a Fungal infection affecting the Nasal, Oral regions more commonly. The other regions which it affects less commonly are Eyes, Cerebral, Lungs, etc. Mucormycosis is usually seen affecting people with reduced immunity – AIDS/HIV patients, patients on Corticosteroid medication – Organ transplant patients, auto […]
How many days does it take for extraction socket to heal after wisdom tooth extraction
Wisdom Tooth Extraction is usually a surgical procedure as most Wisdom teeth are Impacted in one form or the other – Classification of Wisdom Tooth Impaction. And with a surgical procedure there is need to remove bone and Incise Soft tissue which means it increases the time to heal as compared to normal tooth extraction. […]
Fractures of Mandible – Classifications and Types
Fractures of the Mandible are the most common Fractures of the Facial region. Mandibular Fractures were first described in 1650 BC by Edwin Smith Papyrus. Mandible is the only moving bone in the Skull, it is also the strongest bone of the skull as it is made up of Cortical bone which is thicker in […]
How to Extract tooth with minimum Trauma – Atraumatic tooth Extraction
Extraction of a tooth without damaging the surrounding structures (Atraumatic tooth extraction) is the main aim of any Dentist or Dental student. To attain this goal I am going to explain in 5 simple steps how you can Extract a tooth like a professional as atraumatically as possible. Before we go into the steps let […]
Modifications of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Technique
Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block is one of the most used Nerve Block technique as it supplies to Incisors, Canines, Pre-Molars and Molars of the injected side, modifications of Inferior alveolar nerve block are used on failure to achieve anesthesia using the regular technique. IANB has the most failure rate of all Nerve blocks in both […]
Failure of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Anesthesia – Hot Tooth
Failure to achieve Inferior alveolar nerve block Local Anesthesia is most common problem many Dentists face during Root canal Treatment, it leads to the patient experiencing pain while pulp extirpation and increases difficulty along with consuming more time for the Dental Practitioner or Endodontist. Having facing many such cases even after maintaining proper Injection technique […]
Medications that interact with General Anesthesia
General Anesthesia is an integral part of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, it consists of many components that might interact with medications taken for other health issues. General Anesthesia is administered in Dental treatments such as surgeries for Orofacial trauma Trauma such as Le-Fort fractures, Prosthetic surgeries such as Orthognathic surgery, Large Tumors (Ameloblastoma) or Cyst […]