Hyper Salivation or Increase in Saliva after wearing Complete Dentures is a very common after effect of First time denture wearers, this is considered normal because the Oral Cavity or Mouth is getting used to the new Dentures presence. The Gingiva and other Soft tissues react to the presence of a new prosthesis in the oral cavity by changing in Shape and Size of Gingiva.
Hypersalivation is also called as Sialorrhea.
Increased Saliva (Hyper Salivation) or Decreased Saliva or Dryness of mouth (Xerostomia) in first time denture wearers is very common and this is a short term problem which will mostly resolve by itself if there are no problems in the Dentures which you have prepared for the patient. The Salivary glands are stimulated by the presence of Dentures and an increase in the blood supply to these glands Major and Minor Salivary glands leads to the problem of Increased Salivary Flow.
Your Brain increases Saliva Production whenever a foreign object is placed in your mouth thinking of it as Food, so when you use the dentures for the first time increase in salivation is seen as your Brain thinks of it as Food.
Let us now see the various Causes of Hyper Salivation in Denture Wearing Patients: (Caused due to Dentures)
Increased Vertical Dimension at Occlusion – VDO: The Vertical Dimension at Occlusion can be recorded higher than usual and while the patient bites excess pressure is felt on the Soft Tissue structures of the Edentulous Ridge, here the nerve endings to the Salivary glands are present which will be in turn stimulated and lead to excess or Hyper Salivation. So
Incorrect Registration of Centric Jaw Relation during Jaw relations which is commonly caused when we ask the patient to bite in his normal physiological bite position, the patient who was Edentulous finds it difficult to understand what his rest position is and mostly bites a bit forward than his normal bite. Here the Dentists expertise comes into play and we should be able to guide the patient to his Centric Relation by following the steps which are mentioned for recording Centric Jaw Relations.
Anxiety and Fear of Patient towards Success of Denture: Dental Fear is very common in patients and in case of Complete denture patients they are very nervous as they are getting a new set of teeth which will be changing their appearance completely and they become Apprehensive towards the Success of it and as we all know fear is a factor in stimulating Salivation. Along with this the patient initially for a few days before he/she gets adjusted to the denture feels Anxiety fearing that the Dentures might fall off while they are talking to others or eating in front of others. This fear and Anxiety in turn leads to excess Salivation.
Over Extension of Denture Borders in the Maxillary and Mandibular Dentures
Increased Thickness of Denture Borders in turn stimulates excess salivation, the normal thickness of denture border should be 2mm anything more than that will lead to Hyper Salivation
Increased Pressure on Gingiva, Buccal Mucosa and Nerves
Initial thought of Denture as a Foreign body in the Oral cavity
Hyper Salivation caused due to Clozapine, change in the drug causing increased saliva production can help in such cases.
Treatment of Hyper Salivation in Complete Denture Wearing Patients:
Treatment modality of each case depends on the problem and the probable cause of hyper salivation. So first the dentist and the patient himself should diagnose the exact cause and reason for Hypersalivation.
Psychological support and understanding: This is the most common treatment method which should be followed by Dentists and this is because hyper salivation is common in all denture wearers for a certain period of time and in these patients only making the patient understand and assuring him that this is normal to all Denture wearing patients is of utmost importance at the time when the denture is being delivered to the patient. Telling the patient that this is common and will subside by itself after few days when you get adjusted to the Denture will even bring down the apprehension and fear in the patient which in turn helps in decreasing Salivation.
Ill fitting Denture: Check for any variations in denture fit by recalling the patient after 2-3 days after Insertion to check for any abnormalities like sharp edges, loose denture, speech, swallowing and many other factors which will be seen by the Dentist and required corrections will be done. If the dentures are loose and falling down when you speak or eat you should visit your dentist and he/she will take your dentures and impression and do Relining Procedure to improve the fit.
Ulcers on Gums below the Dentures: If you ever notice any burning sensation or the presence of Ulcers on the Gums under your Denture stop wearing the Dentures take your Dentists Appointment immediately, this might be due to excess pressure or any sharp edges on the dentures tissue surface which can also be a cause of Increased Salivation. Your Dentist will trim or smooth the rough surface and will prescribe a numbing gel to be used on the ulcer to help relieve pain and heal faster.
Check for Underlying Medical Conditions: In some medical conditions Sialorrhea is a common symptom where the patient experiences excess salivation which is not related to the presence of Denture. The diseases in which we see hyper salivation are GERD, liver disease, rabies, oral infections and some medications like Clozapine, Pilocarpine, Ketamine etc. Try to sort the problem and refer to the General physician or ask the patient to visit the Doctor who prescribed the medicines and change accordingly.
Eat Lozenges or Chewing Gums (Sugar Free): Chewing on Lozenges or Chewing Gum can help in swallowing the excess saliva being produced continuously. Your brain thinks of Denture as a Food or Foreign item and increases the Saliva production. By chewing Lozenges or Chewing Gum you will be swallowing the excess saliva un consciously as this will be preventing the saliva from pooling or drooping from corner of lips and you will not feel that excess Saliva production.
Medicines for Hypersalivation: There is a certain class of drugs – Antimuscarinic agents which reduce saliva secretions such as – Amitriptyline, benzatropine, atropine, trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride, hyoscine hydrobromide (Note: These drugs should be taken under Doctor supervision only. Other medications such as Beta -Blockers can help in decreasing Saliva production. Botulinum Toxin A is also known to decrease saliva production on injecting the solution into the Salivary Glands. Other medications such as 1% atropine solution sublingually twice daily has also helped in decreasing sublingual glands hypersalivation.
A question and advice or guidance would be appreciated.
Background: I had an upper set of dentures fitted some 8 months ago. They have been adjusted and I am as happy as I can be with what is still a prosthetic, all in all, at my age of 73 life and my dentures serve me as well as the rest of my ageing physiology .
I live a splendid life for which I am grateful and part of maintaining what I still have left, physiologically involves bike riding and hill and mountain walking, I am not an elite person just someone who still pushes what I’ve got.
The problem during recent hot weather and me pushing myself quite hard I had to take out my denture
(a) to seemingly use my upper palate to cool down more effectivly.
(B) to reduce eccesive saliva my very good friend now refers to me as a dribbling dog-it’nice to have good friends like that!
You seem to have empathy and clearly a professional curiosity .
Can you scratch both of the above so we can share a solution to my mad dog syndrome.
My GP says I am ok in all aspects medical.
It maybe a ventilation problem looking for a solution.
You advice and or commentary would be appreciated.
Martin Slater.
You seem to have an empathy and dental acuity.
I’ve asked my dentist and
Hi Martin, It is great to hear that at your age you are more energetic and active than what I am now, will take you as an inspiration. Coming to the two problems you are facing.
A) If you are feeling like taking out your upper denture to cool down I do not find much of a problem with that as for some people it helps in breathing better.
B) I have already written about this problem which is called as Sialorrhea or hypersalivation which can be due to various reasons regarding your denture itself, check out the causes here – http://adf.ly/1cq0JW.
Hope this helps you and if you have any further doubts please feel free to ask.
how do you stoop drooling with dentuers
Is it normal to feel nauseated when wearing dentures for the first time?
Yes, It is quite normal to feel nauseated while wearing dentures for the first time, it even takes time to feel normal while chewing and speaking. So do take your time to get used to the dentures, make sure that you wear the dentures as long as possible initially to know the problems you are facing and convey the same to your dentist who can correct any imperfections if needed.
Thank you so much this was very informative. The first day with dentures and I’m so very happy! So far so good, although yes I have so much saliva and couldn’t figure out why but this makes sense now.
Glad that it helped, all the best with your new set of teeth which will let you eat and stay healthy.
My partner has dentures…while he removes them at night he very often has episodes of his mouth filling with saliva to the point where he begins to choke…any help?
Is he new to dentures? When does the hyersalivation happen? When he removes the dentures or while he is wearing them ?
Firstly we need to identify the cause of hypersalivation in order to prevent it from happening again.
During denture process maxila operation was done. After sufficient period denture was made.
Now I m having excess saliva secoration.
Pl advise
How many days has it been since you got your dentures done sir ?
I got my dentures fixed recently on the upper jaw. It is just the second day. I am finding it difficult to speak and also lots of saliva generation is noticed.
Is permanent tooth fixing better than dentures? what is your opinion? I am just 53 years old and basically lost one tooth on the upper jaw in front, which looks ugly and also does not help in chewing.
My dentist has told me not to eat food with dentures for the time being and start later.
I have had all of my teeth removed. The top denture fits great. I have had post place in my bottom jaw. I am in the final stages of getting my plate ready to wear. My problem is I find I have so much saliva that sometimes I gag. Constantly swallowing. I was thinking maybe because of the metal in my mouth? Is there something I can do to decrease this?
As mentioned in the post, one reason can be anxiety which leads to hyper salivation. As you are going to get your lower denture fixed speak to your Dentist and he will check for any defects in the upper denture which might be the reason for the hyper saliviation and can be fixed.
My mother has an upper and lower partial bridge and experiences saliva filling up in her mouth when she takes out the bridge to the point of chocking. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I recently added a bottom denture secured to implants via a soft snap. Since that day, less than two weeks, I notice a gland swelling under my jaw on the right hand side when eating. Afterwards, it subsides back to normal size. Is it coincidental this starting the same day I had my permanent denture applied, and what should I do about it?
If it has subsided and you are not having any pain or discomfort, there is nothing to worry about. It is most likely a Sub mandibular Lymph node, which can be enlarged due to the additional forces exerted on your Jaw due to the denture. Some patients complain of an ulcer formation along with the lymph node enlargement which subsides after a few days.
Thank you! It’s still happening, but my ENT specialist recommended I suck on lemon drops to stimulate saliva and drink plenty of fluids. Like you, he didn’t seem overly concerned about it. I feel even less concerned reading your response. Thank you again!
Please help me. I had 26 teeth pulled 3 months ago and had Immediate dentures put in. I have terrible salava problems even when I don’t have them in. I have not been able to eat solid food now for 3 months. I’m so depressed and I’ve lost 15 lbs. Now. The place I went to get my dentures don’t care and act like this is all normal. I know it’s not. I have have family and friends who have dentures and haven’t gone thru this. What can I do?? I am so depressed and my mouth just constantly waters and drools
I have had my temporary lower dentures for 3 mos. Had a soft line done after 6 weeks. Had to use adhesive with soft line. Now I know I need the soft line redone, but with corona virus everything except emergencies are cancelled. I can keep them in with adhesive, but am noticing more saliva now…something to worry about or no?
Using an Adhesive usually leads to production of saliva which helps in the formation of a seal. This, in turn, helps in creating suction which improves retention.
Hello, please help, i am now on my 4th upper denture in 3 years and the excess saliva will not stop. I get so much saliva that it makes me dry reach and I have to rem9ve my upper denture. I have a partial bottom denture which I have had no problems with s8nce I hot it, it’s just as soon as I put in my top denture I produce excess saliva all day. I hate wearing my upper denture because of this problem, 3 years is way too long. I have spoken to dentist and doctors and they all say it will settle down, but it hasn’t, what can 8 do?
As its been 3 years, you can try Antimuscaranic Drugs prescribed by your General Physician or your Dentist. This helps in reducing the saliva production. It is best to ask your Dentist regarding these medicines and trying them out once to see if they are effective.
How to stop drooling with dentures is there such thing as a weep hole for saliva to go back it to mouth!
No Sir, there is nothing like a weeping hole in the mouth. For the saliva to go back you either have to swallow or spit it out.
To reduce excess saliva production there are certain medications known as – Anticholinergic medications (scopolamine), which are prescribed by your Dentist or Medical Doctor. It should not be taken on your own as they are known to have certain side effects.
I got all my teeth removed a year and a half ago. My mouth seems to swell and my top gums burn and they’re numb-like and when I try to catch a nap my mouth & lips seem to swell. It never did this before I got all my teeth removed , could it be related to a nerve? My mom had similar problem, she could not wear her teeth either. I don’t wear my dentures all time because they feel like they’re choking me. I do try my best! But even when I do, afterwards, I have this burning sensation.
So out comes the dentures!
It appears to be that you might be allergic to the material used in Denture fabrication. There are certain Creams which can be applied as soft liners below the Dentures while wearing them.
I have 2 acrylic crowns one an incisor, the other a canine. It’s been over 5 years now and I was okay until recently when I started salivating a lot. What can I do to address this? I fail to talk comfortably for long due to salivating.
As you have been having the crowns from a long time without any problem that might not be the issue, there are many other conditions causing this problem such as Anxiety, certain medicines (antipsychotics), Ulcers, infections, etc.
I’m 54 & have had an eating disorder for half my life – This ruined my teeth – And they gradually rotted.
So now I wear full upper & lower dentures. When I got them it was great as my teeth look lovely & white, compared to the yellow stained ones & receding gums.
Problem is I need to wear adhesive for upper ones – And using this I get an very dry mouth & REALLY unsightly white stringy saliva bits around my lips, & the sides of my mouth … And no-matter what I do or what adhesive I use, it keeps happening. And I can’t get rid of the white bits. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you help me & tell me how can I get rid of this unsightly foamy stringy spittle – And how do I prevent this from happening as it’s really embarrassing?
Hello Sir, really sorry to hear the trouble you are going through. I usually prescribe a Mouth wash for “DRY Mouth” to patients complaining about dryness. It really helps in increasing Salivation and giving comfort during denture use. If you can get it at your local chemist you can start using it or ask your General practioner or Dentist to prescribe one.