Jaw Relations is defined as “Any relationship of Maxilla to Mandible”. To determine the exact relation of Maxilla to mandible in edentulous patients who are getting complete denture Jaw relations is the most important step which gives you the Vertical relation and Horizontal relation of Maxilla to mandible.
The Steps done in Jaw Relations are:
- Vertical Jaw Relation
- Horizontal Jaw Relation
- Orientation Jaw Relation
The Instruments used in Recording Jaw relations for Complete Denture:
- Alcohol Torch or Spirit Lamp or Bunsen Burner
- Plaster of Paris
- Plaster Bowl
- Shade and Mold guides
- Denture Base and Occlusion Rims:
- Base Plate Wax
- Wax Spatula
- Hot Plate
- Wax Knife
- Face Bow with Bite Fork
- Locking Device
- Orbital Pointer
- Thread
- Inedible Pencil
- Gothic Arch Tracer
- Metal scale
- Stapler Pins
These are the instruments used in most of the Dental Clinics and Dental Collages but some instruments differ and some other instruments are preferred by some dentists, so do let us know if you want us to include any other instruments in this list.
Thanks a lot dr.varun. Your this blog is really a life savior. Thanks again.
Other instrument needed in this list are:
18. Divider
19. Glass slab
20. Marker
21. Lecron carver
22. Micromotor with acrylic trimmer
23. Bubble level gauge for checking parallelism of face bow arms
Fox plane if necessary.
Hello… I have a doubt.
What is the use of BP handle and blade in making complete denture during preliminary impressions stage?
It is used to scrape excess material off at the borders which might be impinging on the soft tissue portions.