Instruments used for Cavity preparation and Restoration – Cavity preparation is one of the most commonly used and performed procedure in every dental clinic. Learning about Cavity preparation is a must for every dental student / dentist / hygienist irrespective of the branch which you might specialize in. Cavity preparation is done prior to Restoration […]
Dental Instruments
Dental Instruments are the Tools used by the Dental Professionals to perform Dental Treatment, these instruments / Tools are used in performing many dental procedures like: Examination Manipulation Restoration Extraction Prevention (Steralization instruments) The 9 Different branches of Dentistry which are being studied have all a different set of instruments which some being the Universal […]
Dental Instruments used in Ist year of BDS
The instruments used in 1st year of dentistry are mostly the technical instruments and some of the clinical instruments. In 1st year Dentistry we mostly learn the work done by technicians and learn about their work practically, so we use the instruments used by them which are non clinical. The instruments used are: 1) Macintosh sheet: […]