The Third year of the B.D.S. course includes three subjects, unlike the 4 subjects earlier, the Community Dentistry subject is shifted to the final year of the course. The subjects included in the third year of BDS include Oral Pathology, General Medicine and General Surgery. Following are the books that are the best recommended for the students of the 3rd year BDS course:
Oral Pathology Text Books for BDS 3rd Year
- Shafer’s Textbook of Oral Pathology – Elsevier
- Purkit’s Oral Pathology by Jaypee
- Most Important Questions in Oral Pathology, by Sumaiyah Publishers, Delhi
- Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Neville
- Manual of Oral Histology and Oral Pathology: Colour Atlas and Text – Maji Jose
General Medicine Text Books for BDS 3rd Year
- Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine
- Internal Medicine – Harrison’s – Vol 1 & 2
- Hutchison’s Clinical Methods
- Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
- Textbook of Clinical Medicine for Dental Students – S. N. Chugh
General Surgery Text Books for BDS 3rd Year
- A Concise Textbook of Surgery: Das
- Manipal Manual of General Surgery: Rajgopal Shenoy
- Manual of Clinical Surgery: Das
- Essentials of General Surgery (Lawrence)
- Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery
If you are from the batch which has got the Community Dentistry as the subject in the 3rd year, you need to check the list of final year text books where the best recommended books for the Community Dentistry are listed. There are several books apart from the ones listed above, which would be good for the basic understanding of the subject, but the ones given above in the list are the most commonly read ones and these are the books recommended by several professionals from the particular subjects.
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